Project no.5
This project involves the development of a site containing a Grade 2 listed building in Thrapston, a small town in Nottinghampshire, England.
This corner site has a prominent location within the town, but had a very ad hoc nature of development through the years.
The task was to create a development that would create a strong frontage and create a unified appearance to the throughout the site and create a development that would residential and commercial uses to work easily with each other.
The site is very restricted both in size and location but also in terms of permitted development due to the presence of a significant listed building on the site and a Grade 1 listed church adjacent to the site.
What evolved was a courtyard development that forms a strong link between the two previously disconnected avenues of Thrapston High Street and Oundle Road.
This project involved very measured negotiations with the two land owners, the planning department, the highways department and with English Heritage before planning consent was granted